Ekranoplan Russland - Aquaglide 5

 «Aquaglide» - a small passenger WIG-craft of Type A under the IMO classification designed for transportation of five people, including the driver, with speed of up to 170 km/h on distance up to 450 km. «Aquaglide» was designed and built in accordance with the requirements of «the Interim Guidelines for wing-in-ground (WIG) craft» approved by The Maritime Safety Committee of International Maritime Organization (IMO), this WIG-craft has Safety code of IMO. «Aquaglide» is certified by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

This is a video with Aquaglide-5 from my visit on June 2009 at Chkalovsk city (Russia) in ATTK JSC testing complex. I would like to thank Dr. Ruben Nagapetyan, CEO of ATTK JSC for his invitation and hospitality. Also I would like to thank all high executive officers of ATTK JSC, Mr. Gennady Danielyan, Mr. Valery Belyak, Mr. Anatoly Lukyanov.

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